Televsion Centre wins Architects Journal’s Award for Best Landscping

Nov 21, 2019


Television Centre has picked up another award – this time named as best landscape architecture project at the 2019 AJ Architecture Awards. The landscaping designed by Gillespies came in for praise: ‘There’s a completeness about it,’ said one judge of the transformation.

The public space has opened up the site, stitching the new development back into the surrounding communities after being inward-looking for so long. ‘The team has managed to create very successful links across the site using the landscape,’ the judges remarked. Moving through the scheme, each terrace has a different feel: there’s an open lawn, more intimate woodland gardens and paved spaces for community events. The circular courtyard at the development’s hub has maintained its original architectural concept with new planting – a strategy the judges said ‘feels mature and will age well’.

Key to the scheme’s success is, perhaps, its appropriateness. ‘The rich pockets of different spaces have created an intimate human scale in the context of very large buildings,’ said the judges.

Read more about the landscaping at TVC.


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